The newest addition to the Two Man Links Championship series is Michigan's Arcadia Bluffs Resort. During a 2022 "scouting trip" we encountered two distinctly different courses and top-drawer lodging, food, and hospitality. The first of the resort's two courses -- The Bluffs, which we play twice -- winds in a links-style from the hilltop clubhouse to the shores of Lake Michigan, with strips of green fairways framed by golden fescue. You'll think you're in Ireland. The second course -- The South which we play once -- is a tribute to a bygone era in golf course design that few golfers today have ever experienced. It's such a unique experience that many of Michigan's golf experts advised us to make sure to play it, and once we set foot on the expansive piece of property, we could see why.




Monday September 11, 2023
Arrival day, golf at player's expense today for those that arrive early enough
- Lodging: Arcadia Bluffs Resort


Tuesday September 12, 2023
Tournament Round 1
The Bluffs
- Lodging: Arcadia Bluffs

Wednesday September 13, 2023
Tournament Round 2
The South
- Lodging: Arcadia Bluffs


Thursday September 14, 2023
Tournament Round 3
The Bluffs
Tournament Awards immediately following play at the Bluffs



Prizes will be awarded by division based on the number of players in that division as follows:

Father & Son Team (Low Gross and Low Net)
Open Team (Low Gross and Low Net)

For net scoring, play will be at 80% of course handicap, with a maximum allowance of 18 for each player, and using the low handicap index for the past year from the USGA GHIN System. A maximum combined team handicap of 36.0 is suggested.


Play will be from the White Tees, except that those aged 70+ may elect to play from the Gold Tees.